AMS Ltd is delighted to renew our membership for 2023, which will support the great work Capital Theatres does ensuring stability and accessibility for the arts in Edinburgh.
To find out more about Capital Theatres, please read their statement below:
"Capital Theatres is Scotland's largest theatre charity operating three city-centre venue: the Festival Theatre, the King's Theatre and The Studio. Our mission is to inspire a life-long love of theatre in everyone and one way we work towards this is by presenting world-class shows on our stages. But our work does not stop there.
We believe in everyone's right to participate in the cultural life of the community and to enjoy the arts. We recognise that Capital Theatres plays a significant role in Edinburgh's cultural life and work proactively to increase and broaden engagement with the arts. We work with patterns of attendance and participation to address inequalities in access to the arts.
That means we've done some extraordinary things over the years: from building a giant beanstalk in the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, to pioneering a dementia-friendly theatre building and community, to making original films and dance works with all of Edinburgh's special schools."